Thursday, February 19, 2015

You Gotta Eat Here

The place you REALLY need to eat in Calgary is The Big Cheese Poutinerie because how can you possibly skip an entire restaurant that is dedicated to fries and gravy?!

We returned here for dinner tonight and I ordered the mac and cheese poutine again, this time making sure to get pictures because some of my family members seemed a little confused about the idea of this delicacy literally just being a heap of mac and cheese on top of a heap of poutine.

During. See the deliciousness?
 After poutine, we walked to Fat City Frank's, the final stop on our milkshake tour and the only place in our journey that has been featured on The Food Network. It was featured on You Gotta Eat Here! which is apparently only about Canadian restaurants which is fine because Guy Fieri barely comes to Canada anyways. We got their milkshakes and sat back. Once again, I was a little disappointed with the thickness of my shake! It was roughly the same as Burger Inn but what gives, Calgary? I'm basically searching for a shake so thick that it's really just ice cream I'm pretending I can suck up through a straw and you give me a creamy slush. Hmph. It was very vanilla though and I did drink it all.

Now for the very scientific milkshake breakdown:
First place: Burger Inn
Second place: Fat City Frank's
Third place: Galaxie Diner
*Last place: Clive Burgers -- we went there because they were on the list but their ice cream machine was broken. Their burgers, however, smelled divine so you should probably go there.

Price breakdown:
Cheapest: Burger Inn ($3.50)
Most Expensive: Fat City Frank's ($6)
Pulp Fiction Reference: Galaxie Diner ($5)

What you SHOULD get at each restaurant:
Burger Inn: Burgers, duh. They have elk and ostrich burgers among other exotic meats so be adventurous (or get a veggie burger cuz they're good too).
Galaxie Diner: Breakfast food. All of their meals (breakfast and lunch) come with endless hash browns, so that's a no brainer! I got a burger but I would go back for the breakfast food after checking out the rest of the diners.
Fat City Frank's: We didn't eat here even though they have a veggie dog, so I'll say get the San Antonio Black Bean Chili Dog in honor of my partner's hometown.

Honorable Mentions (places I would go back to, even though they don't have shakes):
Lazy Loaf and Kettle: MAC AND CHEESE
Ship & Anchor: Fried pickles and Savanna Dry
The Big Cheese: Eat ALL the poutine!!!!!

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