Sunday, February 22, 2015

St Albert: Cultivating Life

St. Albert: Cultivating Life. Because every Canadian town needs some type of inspirational motto. And it needs to be weird.

We aren't actually working in St. Albert this week -- we're working in Morinville -- but once again, we're staying about 20-30 minutes away from where we're working.

St. Albert is only a half an hour away from Calgary so it was an easy drive. We started this week's adventure with a yoga class (see other blog for details) because we couldn't check into our hotel until later in the day. That's another strange thing about this week, normally we're in a hotel or at a homestay (or billeted as the Canadians say) but this week, our contact got us a hotel room for tonight and then we'll be staying in her basement for the rest of the week. She wanted to give us some privacy since she knows that life on the road has some challenges; she, of course, didn't know we had the week off but it's still incredibly considerate and we appreciate it all the same.

I'm taking advantage of the hotel's gym and laundry as we speak. Yes, this girl is blogging from the treadmill; I'm a woman of many talents.

P.S. The tour partner has started a blog of her own that I will be providing a link for whenever I have a link to provide. But, we all know that my blog will forever be the coolest and that she totally copied me cuz I'm awesome.


  1. For some reason, I'm having issues adding a widget to link to Mandy's blog, so for all of you impatient people, it is

    1. I fixed it! It's on the right hand side beneath my archived posts, the list of other blogs by yours truly and above the link to the official DSU blog from my trip to South Africa (not sure why I keep that though since it was two years ago, but I do).
