Saturday, February 21, 2015

More West Edmonton Mall

I definitely would never run out of stuff to do at the West Edmonton Mall; anyone who tells you that they would is a liar.

We started the day off with a trip to the post office (because this mall obviously has one) and then a sea lion show. Yup, there are sea lions AND penguins at the mall. They have a freaking aquarium. We decided to be cheap and watch from the side but we still had a good view of the show.
Normal mall stuff. Not.
After that, we started the adventure of Mandy wants to buy this but can't (and Thomson spends 20 minutes debating whether or not she actually wants to try something on). Actually, I got a pretzel first. I will admit that I was a little ticked that a mall with 800 stores has a Wetzel's Pretzels and not an Auntie Anne's, which is obviously superior, but I still wanted a pretzel. The line at Wetzel's was infuriating, especially when I ordered the last unsalted pretzel they had, hoping to avoid the long wait, but for whatever reason, they decided not to give it to me and have me wait... Wait I did and when I finally got my pretzel (which they put salt on anyways hehehe), it was probably the best pretzel I'd ever had. It was so fresh and soft. Mandy snagged a bite and agreed.

Now, we circled the mall about 100 times because that's what happens when you're in a monster mall and don't have a plan. Today, Mandy officially fell into the trap that has plagued many -- depending on me for knowledge that I could not possibly possess. I'm sorry Mandy, and others (mainly my mom and Whitney) for somehow convincing you that I know everything but when Mandy wanted to go get sneakers, we started walking and when I asked her what store we were looking for, she said, Oh, I was following you. How I could ever know this, I do not know, but I'm expected to, apparently. Do not worry though, Mandy got her sneakers.

We definitely got a good work out in for the day! We're headed out to dinner soon and I think this has been a good week off but we're both excited to get back to work!

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