Yoga today was... an experience. I still haven't decided if it was good or bad. We got there very early for our 12:10 vinyasa class so decided to go with the slightly earlier 12 o'clock warm yin yang class. I've never done yin yang before but I figured, having balance in your life is always a good thing, why not?
After I'd signed up, I asked for a better description of the class and was told that it would start with speeding things up and then slowing it all down at the end. Great.
I spent most of the class trying not to burst out laughing! It was extremely full -- probably the biggest yoga class I've ever gone to -- and the instructor must have been an auctioneer in a past life. I'm not sure if all yin yang yoga is like this but I think it's really funny when the instructor keeps saying "we're going to do the pose in, 5, now we do the pose, 4, we're going to do the pose, 3..." etc. It might have been just a little fast for me but I actually think I did a pretty good job -- vinyasa, however, is still my jam and we probably should have stuck with that class instead.
After class was over and we'd peeled our disgustingly sweaty bodies off of the floor, we walked about a half a mile to Pizzeria Gaga, which we went to solely for its Lady Gaga related name. It did not have anything to do with Gaga, obviously. We split a margherita pizza which has way too much garlic on it in my opinion. I'm pretty sure my breath alone will be slaying vampires until the day I die now.
On our walk from the yoga studio to pizza, we saw Brulee (it has way more accents than that) Pastry, which we'd seen on the internet, so after pizza, we walked back the way we'd came to check it out. Mandy got a cheesecake brownie and I just sniffed around, enjoying all the yummy smells.
Wandering to get back, we passed the Lougheed House, which I'd seen signs for but didn't know what it was. It was built in 1891 for a senator and his wife and now is open for tours and lunch. Good to know.
Back at the hostel now, I decided that a change of scenery was in order and am blogging from the common area instead of my room. Nothing interesting is going on at the moment; everyone is either on their phone, laptop or asleep which is exactly what the rest of my dorm mates are doing, but unlike the dorm, no one in the common area is snoring.
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