Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Back in Canada, Eh

I have been meaning to write and failing miserably since I left Whitefish. But rest assured that I am safely with our neighbors to the north.

The first hour of our drive here was useless, thanks to my crazy GPS which took us in a giant circle! We crossed the border without any issues and then were up into the Canadian Rockies. Having missed the road sign on the way to Montana, I caught it this time and discovered that we were driving Crowsnest Pass and reached about 4900ft above sea level. The craziest thing about all this was the ferocious rain we had in BC that absolutely disappeared the moment we crossed into AB. I took some pics from the AB side that I will try to post when I'm blogging from a computer and not my phone.

We're staying in Strathmore, AB at a Days Inn that has a waterslide. It's ok to be jealous.

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