Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dear Parents

I thought you should know that the ambiguous, often-misspelled name you lovingly bestowed on me at birth has continued to bewilder the masses; I had to call the hostel we're staying at in Edmonton to confirm that I would be in an all-female dorm instead of an all-male dorm after rechecking my reservation details and realizing that I had gotten two emails with conflicting information.

Everything has been resolved. No worries.
Thomson (yes, it's a girl's name) Jaffe

P.S. Mandy will never let me forget that she thought she had a male tour partner when she first got her casting information.
P.P.S. I will never let Mandy forget that I'm still bitter about the time she encouraged the kids to call me Thomas.
P.P.P.S. They call me Thomas no matter what we say.

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