Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The First Night

We arrived tired and hungry. We took a cab to the hostel, which was a whole bunch of awkward as well. Our cabbie didn't speak English, he did talk on his cell phone the entire drive though.

We are staying in room 321 or as Whitney calls it, a closet! It is really frickin' tiny. See?
Teeny tiny room. Those are Whitney's legs you're seeing
Attached to our hostel, there is a restaurant/bar and as guests, we get all sorts of discounts but the restaurant was closed for the night, so we ended up running down the street to the one place that seemed to be open within a 5 mile radius where we got... FRENCH FRIES! How original!

Whitney is extremely concerned with why the ketchup and Coca Cola taste differently here than back home.

Back we went to the hostel and if the close quarters weren't enough, it is actually 8 million degrees in our room. It's a good thing that we like each other... or tolerate each other anyways.

Oh and I already broke my rule and checked my email and apparently I'm a certified teacher now. I can print out my own certificate when I get home. Oh boy!

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