Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I've spent the entire day coming up with itineraries and schedules. I'm not great with planning stuff like hotels and travel arrangements, but I know how to plan out an awesome day. Although, with that being said, I'm still not done.

My current key to planning is actually to plan in time for surprises. There is so much to see and I'm usually one to want to see it all, but I refuse to be stressed out about trying to schedule perfect moments or miss out on certain opportunities because I'm determined to see everything on my list.

I've already been told that I have "to get lost in Venice," both by a friend and by a few guide books and having looked at a few maps of Venice, I can already tell that I won't have to try to do that, but I'm taking that thought process with me to each of the places I'm visiting -- except for Rome, because I was specifically told that that was NOT a good idea.

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