Sunday, June 22, 2014

Last Morning in Paris

We had packed up most of our stuff last night, so we just did a final sweep this morning before we checked out. Since we within walking distance of our train station and set to depart at 10:25, we headed down the street in search of our last Parisian meal. We found it at the same cafe where we had experienced the escargot mix up. I also learned this morning that the cafe's name is La Maison Blanche, aka The White House. How American.

Crepes and hot chocolate were the last of our food to dos in France. My mom has been talking about hot chocolate in France for about as long as I've been dreaming of going there. Never mind that it's June, we had to get some. I haven't been a crepe fan since a scarring incident in middle school (then again, what experience in middle school didn't scar me for life? but I wasn't going to leave without having tried one. I wanted to get one with ice cream but it was too early in the day, so I got it with plain sugar.

The hot chocolate came out first. Hot? Check. Chocolate? Double check. It was like chocolate gold. I felt like the chocolate gods were looking down on me and saying "hello, Thomson, would you like to start your day with a smile?" My sincerest thanks, Paris, you've outdone yourself.

Next was the crepe. I'm still not a crepe fan but it was good enough to relieve some of my middle school PTSD.

We sat outside for a while, feeling extremely French, and then it was time to walk across the street to find our train to Amsterdam... which is where I am now. Check out my next post for more information on that!

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