Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Boston to Geneva

Somehow the karma gods smiled on us and we ended up on the aisle for our seven hour flight from Logan to Zurich. Not only that but we were seated in 23D and E and there was no 22D, so we scored some extra leg room!

When our captain first introduced himself over the PA system, Whitney decided that a more suitable name was Captain Von Trapp. I agreed, despite the fact that the Von Trapps were Austrian and not Swiss, and we referred to him as that for the rest of the flight. This also caused me to sing a very bad, hushed rendition of Eidelweis that Whitney did not appreciate.

We fell asleep pretty quickly, although we were on a plane so we didn't sleep for long. We are dinner - I had chicken and Whitney has pasta - then went back to sleep, where we took turns serving as the other one's pillow.

We basically slept until breakfast, which was a croissant, yogurt and orange juice. Whitney ate my yogurt. They also brought around towels and chocolate. Eating chocolate at 5am Eastern Standard Time isn't anything new to me. Swiss Airlines' slogan is actually "may all your flights end in chocolate" and I think that is an absolutely splendid one as well.

We spent the rest of the flight mostly talking about Whitney's turtle pillow pet, T-Raw and how excited he is for the trip. We also discussed Whitney's plans for being my wing woman; her go to line is apparently "hi, this is my sister. She's pretty and single." ...It has always been my dream to have an introduction that spectacular.

We didn't have a ton of time between landing in Zurich and heading to Geneva. We did have to go through a passport check which meant another stamp! I have more stamps than Whitney and yes, it is a competition.

At the passport check, the guy asked us how long we would be in Geneva and he didn't seem to appreciate when Whitney said "about an hour." We knew he meant Europe, but still!

When we got to the gate we were told that we would need to check our backpacks because they were too big. This led to some unpleasant shuffling as I had to rip everything of value from my bag because we would not see each other again until Rome.

Whitney and I were not seated together on this flight, instead she was directly in front of me, which obviously meant that I needed to kick her seat. Repeatedly.

Whitney spent the majority of the flight with her face pressed against the window and kept saying "I want to see as much of Switzerland as I can." I chose not to mention that if she's really wanted to see Switzerland, we would e going there. She also sang Sound of Music because apparently it's only annoying when I do it.

This second flight only lasted an hour and it was glorious.

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