Thursday, June 26, 2014

Our hostel in Berlin only has wireless in the bar and lounge, as opposed to our other hostels where we could get on the internet in our rooms, so that's where we spent the evening and where I am blogging from now.

Having positioned ourselves at a table next to an outlet put us in the prime position to meet other travelers and we spent the last couple of hours with a pair of drunk American guys. These guys were so drunk, in fact, that they were actually flirting with me and Whitney and not just Whitney like most guys normally do.  We got to hear all about their travels (they're "two months deep" into their three month stay-cation) and sever al anecdotes  including how one of them was mugged in Budapest and had his iPhone stolen and how he had to replace it with a Hungarian smart phone (4). They thought it was very cool that we were siblings, traveling together and they were environmental science majors.

Eventually someone suggested fooseball and I was forced to participate. Whitney says that fooseball is "her game";  my game is reading books. Things got a little weird when the guys realized that I was as tall as them. That's my life.

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