Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Fault in Our Travel Plans

If you have any awareness of pop culture, and especially if you're a preteen girl, you know that the movie adaptation of John Green's insanely popular novel, The Fault in Our Stars, hits screens tomorrow. Or, if you're me and you go to an advance screening, then it was tonight.

Movie review and spoilers aside, this movie is about two kids with cancer who end up falling in love and it's tragic and poetic and happy and sad and absolutely everything else you could want in a YA novel. So, why am I writing all about this on my travel blog? Because part of their love story takes them across the Atlantic and straight into the heart of Amsterdam.

Do I intend to reenact the novel while abroad? No, I do not, because it was sad and I'm going with my sister and not my "not-boyfriend" (spoiler alert: he quickly becomes her boyfriend). There is also a scene where our two young friends make out in the Anne Frank house and I really don't intend on doing that on this trip or ever BUT, in all seriousness, it has officially made the waiting even harder.

This movie was an emotional rollercoaster (it is not, as one character says "A rollercoaster that only goes up" because this thing dives, twists and flips for exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes), but in between her tears, Whitney leaned over to me and said "17 days," and if that just isn't the coolest thing I've ever heard, then I don't know what is.

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