Friday, June 20, 2014

The Fat Americans

Tonight at dinner, we had a bit of a mis-translation that ended up in our singular half order of escargot becoming two full orders. Am I complaining? No, I'm not. Was it more than I should have eaten? Absolutely... especially when you consider that it was supposed to be an appetizer and that I had an entree coming. But what a friggin' awesome mistake to make; we wanted escargot in France and we got a lot of escargot in France. If you could see my face right now, you would see a happy one.

Now Whitney and I are having some "alone time," AKA please get away from me, I need some peace and quiet and I've been no more than 100 yards away from you since Tuesday time. I am sitting in the empty lounge downstairs with her laptop while she is in the room, supposedly organizing her things and eventually, we will switch. Or I will stay down here until the end of time, who knows?

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