Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Our Trip to the Red Light District

After full days of tourist activities, Whitney and I have been too exhausted/uninterested to really indulge in Amsterdam's notorious nightlife but we decided that we couldn't leave the city without at least setting out and hitting the streets in the evening. Since we're practically staying in the Red Light District, this meant throwing sweatshirts on and walking a block away from our hostel.

We didn't go to the Red Light District to oogle the prostitutes or harass them like so many other people there, we just wanted to see what it was about so we took a lazy stroll, walking up and down, back and forth and really whichever way that suited our fancy.

Now you aren't allowed to take pictures of the prostitutes and they're very strict about this but Whitney wanted a picture of a side street and all of its red lights, so without any women of the night in sight, she pulled out her phone and started to take a picture. This is when some young twenty something guy runs around in front of us. Our first thought was that he was going to tell Whit to put her camera away but instead he asks us if we're American. We say yes and he says "girls here don't dress like that in the sweatshirts like University Girls." Whitney and I try not to be creeped out as this guy continues "Yeah, they don't wear the hot pants either," referring to our jean shorts. We smile and nod because we are just not interested in what this guy is offering and then he says "it's cute like you're leaving your boyfriend's apartment the day after." Ok, crazy, that's definitely the way to get a girl to go home with you... 

We got away as quickly as we could but if you haven't gotten to the moral of this story yet, it is that in a street full of prostitutes, someone tried to proposition us. Like are you kidding me?! How does stuff like this happen to me?

In a side note, on our walk we found a McDonald's and the only real difference on the menu between the American and Dutch is that they have donuts.

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