Thursday, June 19, 2014

La Pointe de Grouin

We had our authentic French dining experience and it was terrifying. (Whitney said "scary" at first, but we decided that this was not a strong enough descriptor, hence terrifying, or petrifying if you prefer that as your adjective of choice).

Before we get to discussing dinner, let's talk about how we got to dinner: Whitney went downstairs and asked the front desk for a suggestion while I finished up my last blog post. I then headed downstairs to meet Whitney, while she simultaneously took the elevator back to the 3rd floor (we're technically staying on the 4th floor but there is a 3 on our door, so I'm calling it as I see it). When I got down there, I had a mini-freak out -- where was my sister?! How could I find her?! Had something happened?! I go to the front desk and ask this guy if he have seen a blonde girl with curly hair and an orange shirt. No, they had not. Great. I walk back up four flights of stairs (see where this whole 3rd floor/4th floor thing is confusing) and find Whitney sitting there waiting for me. Of course. As we head out to dinner, she asks if I saw the cute guy at the desk, I told her I wasn't sure. Well, we passed him in the lobby, we'd talked to the same guy. I guess I should have been more specific and said something like "Sir, have you seen the girl whose face looks just like my face?!"

Now, on to dinner: The restaurant we went to, La Pointe de Grouin, was definitely French. I think my first hint was that they did not have an English menu. We sort of stood in the door for a few minutes like noobs until we realized that you choose where you sit, take a menu with you then order from the counter whenever you're ready. With the menu being in French, Whitney whipped out some Google Translate for us. I ended up deciding to have fish and potatoes and Whitney decided to get something with eggs in it that Google had translated into "egg death." (We're still not sure what it was, but she liked it!) Once we tried to order, we were told that they do not except euros. They accept "groins." I'm sorry, I just figured out what a euro is and now you want me to use what amount to arcade tokens to pay for my dinner? We got our groins and paid for our dinner and then we got our food, which was good, but not worth the drama.

We did feel a little better though because this restaurant was also difficult for the French. Two French girls sat at the table next to us and were asking for our help. We couldn't even read the menu and they still needed us to figure out how to order their meal.

In other news, it is 9:20 our time while I'm writing and the sun is still out and proud! We looked it up; the sun doesn't set here until 9:57! We also looked up what time the sun will be setting in Cohasset tonight and that would be at exactly 8:19. We're going to bar downstairs to watch soccer and maybe make friends now. Bye!

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