Sunday, June 22, 2014

Out into Amsterdam

After my last post, we set out for food and shopping. Is anyone actually surprised by that at this point?

We stopped and got french fries at one of the many roadside options, because getting food on the side of the road and on the go is sort of a thing. They came in a little cone and we got to eat them with a tiny fork. (I think my blog is starting to just look like a record of everything I've eaten on my trip, but I am not sorry for that). I really wonder how the people in Amsterdam manage to stay fit and thin considering that you can find somewhere to smoke pot every ten steps and find somewhere to eat every five.
I went with ketchup instead of the traditional mayo
With food in hand, we continued on to Nieuwmarkt, which is an open square that has been a bustling market since the 15th century. Whitney would have bought everything she saw if I hadn't been there to stop her.

We continued to mosey along, not too worried about sight-seeing today since we know that tomorrow will be totally full. We are basically in the Red Light District, so we're going to investigate that some more later, but we did see a few prostitutes in the windows.

Across the street from the prostitutes was Oude Kerk, the oldest building in Amsterdam. It's name directly translates to "old church" and it was established in 1306. We went in and received a little guide/map of the church, which was jam packed with information and absolutely impossible to fold back up when you were finished.
So much map
The church has about 12,000 graves and 2,500 graves stones (that we were walking on). They also has a website,, that I'm sure my father will now go look up. Rembrandt's wife is among one of the people buried there apparently. The church also had four organs and I would like to marry the most elaborate one if possible because it was perfect. Whitney said that that's creepy, but I don't really care.
"Marry me, Rebecca!" "No." -Catbug

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