Saturday, November 21, 2015

Old Timer Cafe

I obviously don't post pictures of ever meal I eat on the road because that would 1) be obnoxious and 2) be a lot of pictures of Easy Mac, but I do post special meals and today's breakfast definitely qualifies.

So, I truly believe that pancakes are God's gift to breakfast, which means that I will never turn down an opportunity to get some. Today, we went to the Old Timer Cafe in St. Ignatius and I went through my usual mental pros/cons list of how many pancakes to order -- short stack? full stack? never a single pancake, although that was an option here... I went with my usual bet, go big or go home, and ordered the full stack.

Well, that was way more pancake than I ever expected. They were huge!!! Like the size of my face huge (or as the waiter said afterwards, they're not the size of your face -- more like twice the size of your face). I literally had to undo my pants after a cake and a half!

No, I did not finish. I'm not that crazy.

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