Friday, May 31, 2013

Parliament and Groots Constantia

After our day at St. Mary's, we visited SA Parliament. I'm not entirely sure what I was doing there, considering I barely understand how the US government works, much less another country's, but there were lots of pretty things to look at!

At the end of the tour, we got to sit in on a debate... It was like Harvard Law had a love child with Jerry Springer! This was their government and the people sitting around us were dressed up in costumes. The officials were shouting at each other and in the middle of speeches, they just changed languages without any warning. I guess if the US government worked like that, I might be more interested...

Next up was Groots Constantia. Aka wine. Lots of wine. Lots of GOOD wine.

The Backpack's Presidential Suite (me and my roomies) happily enjoyed a sampling of South Africa's finest grape juice. There may or may not be a bottle coming home with me...

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