Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Table Mountain

First of all, I've made the executive decision that I am never leaving Cape Town.

Now, Table Mountain...
HOLY EXPLETIVE!  Table Mountain is the top of the world. Like, the actual top. I don't care that Mount Everest is technically higher, there is no way that there is a better view at the top of Everest than Table Mountain. It is over 1000 meters and while I don't know how much that is in American, I know that it is BIG.

Also, after Table Mountain, I'll never need to go to the gym again. We took the cable car up, but trust me say I say that I walked! I even sweated.

Table Mountain has these critters called dassie, which is the Dutch word for "badger" and I want one. They are brown and cute and I want them to love me and be my friend. I was busy watching them when one of them jumped up and attacked Dr. Vogel. It jumped on the picnic table and stole a whole clementine. Then that dassie fought with another dassie over said clementine and things got a little crazy. With all that being said, however, I still want one.

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