Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ek probeer Afrikaans leer

Ek probeer Afrikaans leer... I'm trying to learn Afrikaans...

A few months ago, I downloaded an app to help me learn some basic Afrikaans. I learned the simple phrases pretty quickly, i.e. "Hello" (hallo), "goodbye"(totsiens), "please" (asseblief), "thanks" (dankie) and "I'm sorry, I don't speak Afrikaans" (Ek is jammer, ek kan nie Afrikaans praat nie). I've learned other phrases and I would love to keep dazzling you with my preschool level skills, but I'm really writing because today I took a deeper look at the app in preparation for my trip and discovered many phrases that I doubt I will ever need to know in English, much less Afrikaans. According to the app, these are apparently things you should know how to say in South Africa, so, if the opportunity arises, I will now be able to charm the natives with the following:

1. Ek is 'n dolfynafrigter (I'm a dolphin trainer)
2. Jy het 'n sensuele stem (You have a sensual voice)
3. Ek hou van klein hondjies, lang wandelings op die strand, en om Franse poesis in die maanlig te lees (I like puppies, long walks on the beach, and reading French poetry in the moonlight)
4.Ek het nog nooit iemand van jou land gesoen nie (I've never kissed anyone from your country before)
5. Ek is 'n vlienier (I'm a pilot)
6. Ek het vergeet om my huiswerk te doen, meneer die duikbootkaptein (I have forgotten to do my homework, Mr. Submarine Commander)
7. Jou wange is veral pragtig... Ek het 'n swakheid vir wange (Your cheeks are especially beautiful... I have a weakness for cheeks)
8. Waar presies hou daardie bene van jou op? (Just where do those legs of your end?)
9. A-ha, jy het wenkbroue... Ek is mal oor 'n ou met wenkbroue (Ah, you have eyebrows... I love guys with eyebrows)
10. My sielkundige se ek behoort nie (My psychiatrist says I shouldn't)

I've learned some other charming phrases, but they aren't blog friendly...

Ek is lief vir jou! Goeienag en soet drome.

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