Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23

I'm too tired to come up with a better title for this post...

Today, we drove south and the ocean was on the RIGHT! I did not like that. I do not approve of this sorcery.

I spent R322 at a market on fun stuffs today and let me tell you, shopping is exhausting! (No, I'm not saying what I bought as it might be a present for a few of you dedicated blog readers...) I know that spending R300+ is barely $40, but I have never, in my life, passed out money like that! I spent about R100 every 10 minutes this morning! My wallet and I both needed a nap, although we did not get one and still haven't...

This probably deserves a separate post just for sheer cuteness. Penguins are the best and seeing them in their natural habitat was so cool.

I biked to the Cape of Good Hope. A BIKE. I'm not sure how many kilometers it was (I'm not entirely sure what a kilometer is, actually), but it was a lot of kilometers for me... With that being said, it was a boss way to the most south-western point in Africa and stand in TWO oceans!

After the bicycles, I decided I needed more bodily tortured and walked to the top of the lighthouse at Cape Point. It was worth the sore muscles. Cape Point might force me to rescind my previous statement that Table Mountain is the top of the world.

I was not bitten by a baboon today! We didn't actually see any, although there was some...proof left on the trail. Either way, I have avoided being attacked by a rabid baboon and am safe from dying of an infected monkey bite and monkey saliva poisoning! Yay!

P.S. I have worked my little butt off to try to see a play, this project is still in process, but it better work!

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