Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Robben Island

Our day began with "Cape Town is an addiction." This is true, although it seems like a relatively healthy addiction...unless you're my wallet.

We ventured to Robben Island this morning. "Venture" might be a generous term because we fought our way to Robben Island. It was like Deadliest Catch at the bow of our boat. The bow was the only open seat when I got on, by the way, so I took one for the team. Whitney's windbreaker helped a bit, so thanks, sis.

Robben Island isn't just about Nelson Mandela, by the way. There were PENGUINS! It has been a lot of places in its long history, but penguins and Mandela are hard to top...

To pause from my usual semi-sarcastic narration, going through the maximum security prison on Robben Island was amazing. It was an experienced that cannot be described through a blog, so I will not try to. Just know that we were shown around the prison by a former inmate who once masqueraded as a kitchen worker to visit Mandela and spent two hours talking with him. "Tiny" does not describe Mandela's cell for "tiny" is too large of an adjective. Go there for yourself, please and thank you.

And now, our ride back. This boat ride wasn't nearly as bad as the ride to the Island and by the way, it was a freaking pirate ship. We rode home in the Jolly Roger, a very strange cap to the whole morning.


  1. Did you get pictures of the penguins? I hope to see them soon, if you did, and all the other pictures too!! It sounds like you are having a fantastic time! Also, on the pirate ship, did anyone walk the plank?
    ~ Cousin Joanna F. : ) : )

    1. I didn't get any pictures of the penguins on Robben Island, but I did get pictures of the penguins on Boulders Beach! I'll be putting them all up when I get home next week.
