Wednesday, May 29, 2013

St. Mary's Primary School: Day 3

We survived Hump Day!

You'll find that the morning walk to St. Mary's is more enjoyable when you aren't cold and wet. Today, we were warm, dry and got to see an incredible sunrise. It was probably the first time we have seen the sun in days!

The kids are loving the new pens and pencils that Miss Merkel gave them. 

Today, I got a kiss on the hand from an over-zealous young man and at my request, my artist friend from yesterday drew me a self portrait. I got an Afrikaans lesson as well and can now officially say: "My naam is Miss Thomson. Ek kan nie Afrikaans praat nie buit ek probeer Afrikaans leer. Ek vie tweet kartzs. Die naam is Minnie en Graycie." Clearly bring able to properly introduce myself and my cats is important.

A highlight of my day was when a student asked me for help with a monologue she is preparing. Look out, South Africa, because this girl is a star!

Miss Merkel and I will be teaching tomorrow. We're going to tell them all about America and our culture (I'm still trying to figure out what my culture is!) We also gave the kids paper so they could write down questions for us to answer and now my hand is sore from all of the writing I've been doing! If I got a mansion for every student who asked me if I had a mansion, I wouldn't know where to put them all! 

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