Friday, May 24, 2013

Mama Africa

Here is the list of foods I can cross off of my "To Eat" list:
-ostrich (technically, I ate this on Monday but tonight it was in kebob form)

For appetizers, we had all sorts of kebobs with all sorts of meat, and for my main entrée, I had a springbok steak. For those of you who haven't heard of springbok, they're antelope-like and kind of the mascot of South Africa (SA's rugby team is actually the Springboks - if you don't know what rugby is, I can't help you). Springbok meat is pretty fantastic, no lie. While crocodile tastes a lot like chicken, springbok is more like beef, but springbok may be the tenderest meat ever thrown on a grill. Totally worth the 8 million calories I inhaled this evening.

Also, the Mojo Jam Jar was pretty great -- everyone should get a one liter drink in a mason jar to wash down their dinner.

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