Sunday, May 26, 2013

Om nom nom

Today started out with the Backpack breakfast special: 2 eggs, bacon, sausage, mushrooms, toast and orange juice. I didn't eat all of it, but I did ingest an impressive amount. Then everyone went to church, but not me! I stayed at the Backpack for some Thomson Time, which involved cleaning, knitting and watching a South African soap opera.

After everyone got back, we reorganized and head back to the Waterfront for some more shopping! Although I'm pretty sure there isn't much left in SA for any of us to buy, I finally finished getting souvenirs for everyone on my list! My list isn't very long, but I am very picky! This makes shopping very hard at times...

In other news, I got to make a pit stop at a South African Mickey D's! I told you that I would, Dad! They didn't have an African Burger, although they did have a few wraps along with corn as a side. I ended up order a McRoyal, which is really just a US Quarter Pounder, but I can now officially say I had an authentic South African McDonald's experience. It's the little things in life, you know.

I also got some South African ice cream. It's more like gelato here, but it was good. I got Choco Sundae Supreme, which was very chocolatey. They even surprised me with little chunks of chocolate mixed in.

Clearly, today has been al about the food...

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