Friday, May 24, 2013


VICTORY IS MINE! I have officially booked tickets for Long Street Nights at the Baxter Theatre!

I actually feel like I might cry now... But I won't, because I am too busy happy dancing!

Now before you all ask me what this play is, here is the official description:

Nicky Rebelo and his cast of six actors from diversified cultural backgrounds have spent two weeks hanging out in Long Street until the early hours of the morning to explore the underbelly and vibrant, pulsating life of the street in order to create a theatre play in the style made famous by the late Barney Simon, co-founder and artistic director of the Market Theatre in Johannesburg from the late 1970s to late 1980s, with productions like CincinnatiBlack Dog, Inj'emnjamaScore Me the AgesBorn in the RSA and Outers, which Barney created together with Nicky in 1985. This is theatre based on reality, raw, dangerous and alive.

And here is the official Baxter Theatre website for those who want even more info:

Ahh! This is amazing! I cannot believe it.

And thanks, Pete (if you're even reading this), for telling me that I had to do this.

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