Saturday, June 1, 2013


We went to a restaurant at the Waterfront called Moyo last night. It was probably my favorite meal of the trip and I think that comes from Moyo's investment in the entire eating experience. They say "put the love in food," and I think that is something you can taste.

After we were seated, our server brought by a bowl and a pitcher. The first step in eating an authentic African meal is washing your hands and feet, so he washed our hands! No feet, thankfully; I don't think I could have done that.

They had desert salt. I didn't know that salt could come from a desert, but this salt did and it was good. The pepper didn't come from a desert, it was just pepper, but it was good too.

To start, we got flatbread and olive oil. We were instructed to just tear the bread with our hands and I happily obliged.

Before our meal came out, there was face painting! A woman came by our table and painted each of our faces. I got a sweet design that went from the middle of my forehead, across my nose to the corner of my right eye.

For dinner, I went with the fish and chips. They had lots of more exotic options, but I needed a bit of my favorite! The fish was hake (not that I know much about fish) and was fantastic. Dessert was extravagant to say the least. I *thought* I ordered a dish of vanilla ice cream. What I got was four huge scoops of ice cream with a light, raspberry syrup. I HAD to eat it all. I really couldn't believe it when I saw it, but every bite was heaven!

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