Saturday, June 1, 2013


I'm not sure whether today was more like The Sound of Music or Sister Act.

Today, we visited the Oblate Sisters in Koelenhof. We visited the convent and another township before we ate a home cooked (convent cooked?) meal that the nuns made us. They made salad, sausage, rolls and a type of porridge you just eat with your hands. I skipped the porridge, but the sausage was great and the rolls nearly killed me. They made the rolls from scratch! They kneaded the dough and then roasted it! They roasted the bread!! It was so good (insert the cliche "I thought I'd died and gone to heaven" line, although it really does apply here).

Throughout the day, there was lots of singing and dancing, which brings me back to my opening remark. Was the day Sound of Music because SA is full of mountains and singing nuns? Or is it Sister Act because these singing nuns run a school? I guess I'll compromise and say that it was Sister Act 2 -- the best of everything.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! This post reminds me of my time living in a convent in Kenya. Never had so many dance parties in my life! Glad to hear you're still having a fab time.
