Sunday, June 2, 2013

"We're in Africa! It's supposed to be warm!"

So, the SA weather hasn't exactly been cooperative the past few days, but today's weather led to lots of silliness (and some interesting tourism experiences).

We actually got to sleep in! Well, I slept until 7:30, but considering our wake up calls the past few days, it was incredibly luxurious. After my adventure with the Backpack Breakfast last weekend, I decided treating myself to a slightly smaller breakfast was a good idea. I got two fat slices of toast, scrambled eggs and an overflowing glass of OJ.

After breakfast, I started to do a bit of packing. When I say packing, I really just mean staring at my things and moving a few of things around while I really just hoped my things would pack themselves.

The crazy rain inspired a chant of "No! No! I won't go!" from Angela (formerly Miss Merkel) and lots of giggling in the Presidential Suite.

Lunch was also at the Backpack... French toast. Not as good as the eggs, but passable.

The group marched through the weather to the South African Jewish Museum which chronicles the history of Jews in SA (in case you couldn't tell from the name). All of the tour books say that the museum plays the BEST movie on Nelson Mandela, but I find that kind of hard to believe, as the 25 minute film was pretty bland. My favorite part of the museum was the Holocaust exhibit. Favorite is an odd word to use to describe it, but I'm not sure how else I can explain it.

While we were in the museum, it hailed. Hailed! I told you that the weather here is weird. In another strange turn of events, the gift shop started playing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." Let's think about this, the JEWISH museum was playing a CHRISTMAS song in JUNE. There are 205 days until Christmas, I think they can cool it...

Angela, Lisa, Dr. Vogel and I left the museum a bit early to try to avoid getting rained on. I don't think that Dr. Vogel was prepared for the mad dash as we practically sprinted home. We got dripped on, but made it back. The walk did inspire the comment "We're in Africa! It's supposed to be warm!" which sums up our past week in Cape Town.

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