Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Jassy J is #Cursed

And just like that, I’m back in Wisconsin. I was going to put an exclamation point there but I’m not sure the cold weather merits my excitement.

Super cute.
My dad drove me to the airport on Sunday (Whitney stayed in bed) and I said goodbye to him and the warm weather. I checked my bag and the lady at the desk complimented my passport case, which is, admittedly super adorable, so that was a nice way to start the day. I’m currently 0/3 in using my TSA Pre-Check since I got approved because there wasn’t an aisle for it where I went through security. Once through security – which even without Pre-Check only took a few minutes – I treated myself to my airplane staple, a copy of Entertainment Weekly. This week’s issue is a special preview for Batman vs. Superman which comes out in a week and a half and is basically going to be a mini-holiday for Team Thomajason (pronounced: Thaw-ma-jazz-um – a child told us that that was our team name a few weeks ago and I’m running with it). I’m Superman and Jas is Batman! I also texted Jas (at like 5am where he is… oops) a picture of the magazine to let him know that his benevolent god of a tour partner (me!) would let him have it when we were reunited.

Before I left Charlotte, I took a snap with the Charlotte airport geotag because my dad says that even though I love geotags, I never look happy in my photos, so here I am, smiling. (For the record, half the time I’m taking my geotag photos in stealth as I’m walking places just to capture them. I don’t have time to look happy because I’m simply trying not to trip over my own feet).

My first flight was to Minneapolis because we must go west to go east (although I did the same thing a week ago when I was going to Charlotte) and we made amazing time; we got in like 30 minutes early! But that left me with a lot of time to kill there, so I walked the airport end to end in search of something to eat. It’s a very large airport. End to end was a lot of walking and I ended up getting ocean meat from Arby’s for lunch.

I got a text from Jas before I left for Milwaukee that his flight had been delayed by an hour so he would now be getting in two hours behind me instead of the original single hour. That was fine by me, I could find stuff to do for an hour! The flight to Milwaukee was short but bumpy because surprise! We were flying into some nasty weather. My phone says that it was “light rain” but I say that’s bullsh*t. Ok, maybe the rain wasn’t the worst but visibility was awful. Anyways, I get my luggage, get the truck and decide to kill some time by driving to Target. Cool beans. I go to Target but I don’t buy anything and by that time, I need to be heading back in the direction of the airport. I get gas for the truck and am thinking that I am the greatest tour partner ever. And then I’m sitting in the cell phone lot. And I’m sitting in the cell phone lot. And I’m sitting in the cell phone lot. And there is no sign of Jas as time ticks on. And now it’s been nearly another hour since when his new arrival time and I get a call. His flight has landed, but not in Milwaukee.

The weather was so bad that they couldn’t land in Milwaukee and they had to go to Madison instead. Let’s all say it together, Jas is definitely cursed. He must have ticked off one of the Wright brothers in a previous life and they have cursed him with terrible airplane karma. Jassy J (as I call him sometimes) is #cursed.

So I’m thinking now, do I drive to Madison? What do I do? Well, he doesn’t know what’s happening so I decide to go get dinner. I drove to Ian’s Pizza which is on The List and is known for their mac and cheese pizza. Yup, their specialty is putting boiled cheesy noodles on top of circular, saucy cheese bread. These are my type of people. I texted Jas to tell him that we would be going back before the week was over. Jas texted me back to let me know that he was walking a half mile in the rain from the airport to the terminal because they couldn’t find a gate.

After that I went looking for a grocery store because I still didn’t know what to do while Jas didn’t know what was going on and I drove to Pick ‘N Save. Around that time was when Jas discovered that they would be busing to Milwaukee BUT he didn’t know when the bus would arrive (#cursed). I spent an hour wandering around the supermarket killing time and he finally got on the bus. His estimated arrival time was going to be 9pm – seven hours later than he’d planned. I drove back to the airport and sat in the cellphone lot until he returned. I wasn’t totally alone, however, because I called Mr. Ryan Lind, best friend extraordinaire, who was staying at my mom’s for the night after a mass audition in Massachusetts (an audition where he got a call back for MCT, just saying). Finally, Jas was there (but like a weirdo, he chose not to text me and scare the crap out of me when he just unlocked the truck and started putting his things in the back) and we could drive the hour to get to Hartford, WI, which is our home for the week. Our home without WiFi… I had to write this whole thing out without any idea of when I could post it. The drama!

Also for those of you keeping tabs on Whitney's athletic escapades, she was just named Pfeiffer's Athlete of the Week!!!

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