Sunday, March 1, 2015


We've made it to Saskatchewan (henceforth referred to as SK because I can never figure out how to properly spell it and don't want to spend my entire night spell checking).

Today was our longest drive to date, although Google totally lied to us and made it seem like it would be 6-7 hours instead of the 7-8. But then again, you can figure out that you're in for a long drive when the GPS says "Turn right in 239 miles." (Not a joke). It's ok though, because we found lots of ways to occupy ourselves, AKA we went a little nuts.

SK runs on Central Time, which confused us as well, but it should make it easier to talk to everyone back home this week! We barely even noticed that we'd entered SK, but we did just in time to stop for a pic! (Ok, I made Mandy turn around to take a pic, but it's payback for her making me stop when we first entered Alberta!).

The most exciting part of our drive through SK was us going insane. Lots of flat land and snow. It actually freaked me out a little bit because it was like looking out at the ocean -- where you can just see straight to the horizon -- but on land. The other flat places we've been have had mountains or buildings to break up the emptiness, but not so much here.

We are now in Kyle, SK, getting ready for another week (our only week in this province). Our billet has already proved to be incredibly thoughtful and we're very comfortable. Not sure how much there is to do here, but I will be heading out to the "Welcome to Kyle" sign sometime soon because it has a freakin' woolly mammoth on it.

P.S. I survived meat-free February but it's looking like we're about to start no-meat March.

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