Thursday, July 9, 2015


Well, I'm in Maryland, so I needed some blue crabs. My mom told me this. Repeatedly. She also told me about how I'd get to hit them with a hammer and that was very appealing to me.

Melissa doesn't really like seafood and I'm not sure she appreciated the anatomy lesson that my meal offered us both but I really liked hitting things with a hammer.

I'll admit that when I got my meal, I wasn't entirely sure what to do, so after gutting one crab unceremoniously, I looked up a tutorial online and things went a little more smoothly after that. I really enjoyed my dinner tonight -- I enjoyed hitting it, eating it and holding it up to make it perform like Sebastian in The Little Mermaid (Disney version, obviously. There aren't any crabs in the MCT version).

Also, on our way back to our hotel from dinner, our truck, Marcus, turned 60,000 miles. They grow up so fast.

Dinner theatre, starring my dinner.

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