Monday, October 26, 2015

The Numbers Game

So, after typing up my last post, I got curious about my expected mileage for the fall. Looking at my mileage sheet (yes, we have paperwork to fill out, they didn’t just give us a free truck!), I was able to see that just driving from residency to residency this fall should put 3,290 miles on MCT78. That’s before we add the residencies themselves, unbooked weeks and joy miles!

I have exactly 10 residencies this fall which means that the average drive day is 329 miles long. To put that in perspective, the drive from my house to college was 321 miles. Although, I never have to deal with the traffic in Connecticut out here…

Also, while we’re playing the numbers game, you should all know that Helena was my 26th residency, meaning that I’ve been doing this for EXACTLY half a year – yes, I’ve been working for MCT for nearly 11 months, but it’s different when you add up the actual time you’ve spent putting plays! 

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