Friday, October 23, 2015

The Cats Won

I got a belated birthday gift in the mail today!! One from Miss. (Carolyn) Rose Hayes*, otherwise known as Rose the Goat**.

Rose is a card designer/crafter extraordinaire. She is also a Thomson-whisperer because her gift was exactly what I needed. I'm not going to share pictures of everything she sent me because it's rather personal but I will post a picture of the front of the card and a bit of what she wrote me because it's too perfect.

As you can see, there are cats on the front because cats rule and Rose wrote "At first I only drew one cat peeking over the T and suddenly the next appeared followed by the paw prints and the cats won."

As it should be, Rose. As it should be, everyone.

*Rose's real name is Carolyn but no one calls her that and I recently forgot that Rose wasn't actually her first name. I think she goes by C. Rose Hayes professionally but I don't know her professionally.
**Rose is also a goat. It is a very long story but typically when I tell stories about Rose, I call her "Rose the Goat."

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