Sunday, August 9, 2015

Day One of Four

Today was the first of four days of driving back to Montana. Four days. Ok, I can do this. Technically, I've done it before -- back in June, the drive to Alabama, remember that?

Today was just a casual 563.9 mile drive from Waterville, ME to Rochester, NY, which is our stop for tonight. Not much happened on our drive to Rochester -- we were basically just backtracking the drive we made last weekend from Schenectady to Waterville. We listened to To Kill a Mockingbird on tape because we decided that we wanted to listen to Go Set a Watchman and we have more than enough time to listen to both of them. I will say that To Kill a Mockingbird is better when you're 24 than when you're 14 (which is the last time I read it). I know that I'm not actually 24 yet, but hyperbole! I feel like I should start rereading all of the books I read in middle school because I'll get so much more from them now (except for Romeo and Juliet, I think I have that one figured out by now... pretty sure I had it figured out then too...).

Lookin' fierce.
Rochester had a pretty spiffy geotag to welcome me. Apparently "geotag" is the official term for snapsticker but I still like snapsticker more. Oh well! We didn't have a lot of energy for sightseeing but we did go to my life idol, Susan B. Anthony's house. I went there with my mom and grandpa when I was a kid, but going back (even just to go in the gift shop, which is all we actually did because the tour was kind of expensive) was cool.

I'd like to say that I continue to be impressed by the forethought that so many great Americans had when buying/building houses because how could they have possibly known to buy a house with a gift shop in it? How am I supposed to amount to anything in life if my house didn't come with the gift shop included?

Tomorrow is Day #2 (because that's what comes after one) and not only we'll be driving a few more hundred miles, we'll also be driving up into Canada, because why not? Say hello to Ontario!

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