Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Last Mac

Literal cheese gold
One thing Jas and I have done a lot this tour is eat mac and cheese. Ok, so that is something that I have done a lot since the day I was born but Jas and I were able to do something that I never got to do with Mandy or Melissa and that was make our own mac and cheese from scratch and we did that a lot this tour.

Our go-to has been jalapeno popper mac and cheese -- the recipe comes from Homeroom, a California restaurant dedicated entirely to cheese and mac (it feels weird to say it backwards but elegant variation!) -- and we knew we couldn't say goodbye without making it one last time. *Note: We have tried different types of mac, but jalapeno popper has been our fave.

So yesterday, we made the last mac. There was one thing that was extra special about this delicacy, however, because instead of using regular, old, store-bought, shredded cheddar, we used cheddar cheese that we bought in an actual cheese shop a few weeks ago. Real Wisconsin cheese that we actually bought in Wisconsin! It was heavenly. Absolutely to die for. (Except we aren't dead, don't worry).

So that was a pretty epic way to kick off our final week together. Also, when I met Jas, he told me that he wasn't really a mac and cheese person -- I've changed that!

Mac and selfie

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