Sunday, April 24, 2016

Zebra Ice Cream

No, it isn't made of zebras. It is what Briq's Soft Serve calls chocolate/vanilla twist. And what is Briq's Soft Serve? It is the home of the one pound ice cream cone. Yup, a pound of ice cream. I couldn't believe it when I heard it either.

We actually first heard of Briq's when we worked in Edgar two weeks ago. There is a Briq's in Edgar but it wasn't open for the season yet so we couldn't go! I just wanted to know what a pound of ice cream looks like!

Yeah, that's what a pound of ice cream looks like...
On Friday, Jas and I made that dream a reality! We decided to split a one pound cone, but we made it a cup because we didn't want to deal with the mess. First off, guess how much a one pound cup of ice cream cost?!


Yup, less than $3 for an entire pound of ice cream. I can't even get a small for that much some places!!! This was dangerous stuff. And then, we ate. I didn't expect to eat the whole thing because how could two people possibly eat an entire pound of ice cream?!

Jas had other ideas... I mean, at first, he'd agreed with me that we couldn't do it, but when he saw that we were close-ish to eating the whole thing, he told me that I couldn't give up. He told me that it was all my idea and that I'd been the one who wanted to do it! I told him that I'd just wanted to see what a pound of ice cream looks like and not eat an entire pound of ice cream! But, yup, we did it. I think my stomach grew five sizes. I was very full after it was all said and done, but boy, it was worth it!

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