and probably upset more than a few legitimate sports fans...
We're in Green Bay so we decided that not going to Lambeau Field would be bad but neither Jas nor myself know anything about football. We always play up the fact that we do theatre for a reason, telling the kids that we know the Packers are a basketball team and that you play baseball with a puck (it really upsets them when we say that this past Superbowl was "the kitties versus the horsies") but in reality,
we do theatre for a reason. I know that I'm a Patriots fan because I'm from New England and it's what you do but besides the words "touchdown," "field goal" and "half time show," I know nothing about football.
Jas and I brought our very own sarcastic flavor to the tour. First of all, we needed to walk through "The Pro Shop" to get there and it was green and yellow EVERYWHERE. It attacked my face. They had the Packers logo on anything you could imagine. Throughout the whole thing, we kept talking about all of the other sports they might have played there. Shuffleboard, curling, and Olympic diving were among our favorites. At the start of the tour, they asked everyone where they were from and Jas and I decided to have some fun by answering in unison "New England" and letting them fill in the rest.
We could literally be anywhere... |
Hearing about the history of the Packers was actually pretty cool -- turns out they don't play soccer! The tour ended with getting to go down to the field, which probably would have been emotional if we were football fans... They told us that we weren't allowed to do a "Lambeau Leap" but we didn't know what that was, which horrified them. Apparently it involved jumping. Word to the wise: don't let your 900 year old tour guide take a picture of you and your tour partner because it will end up being a close up of your face instead of... oh, I don't know, a wide shot of you so that you can actually see the field?! Yeah... I wish I was joking! But we managed to take our own pictures so that you can actually tell where we are!
While we were on the field, the sprinklers were running and when they starting coming towards us, I ducked out of the way, shouting "No! No! No! Not today!". Jas laughed while another visitor said "Why are you complaining? This water is a blessing!" I didn't want to be blessed.
The trolling didn't stop after we left either. Jas was texting a friend whose a Packers fan and when the friend told him said "You got to walk through the tunnel?! Do you know how many times Brett Favre walked through that tunnel?!" He replied with "No, was he a big fan too? How many times did he go on the tour?"
Yup, there is a reason we do theatre!
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