Sunday, October 12, 2014

San Diego/Rosarito

In our original plans, Whitney and I were supposed to arrive at the same time. I arrived early and Whitney arrived late...very late. Whitney had a little bit of trouble with her connecting flights. This led to a mini Twitter war with United Airlines.
So sassy! I'm so proud!

I obviously had to get in on the action...

Since we had hours to burn, we went on the hunch for lunch (well, lunch for me, breakfast for Chuck -- thank you, time difference). After that, we went on the hunt for a grocery store since we have a kitchen in our hotel in Rosarito. Apparently, however, grocery stores do not exist in San Diego because we drove around for a long time before finally ending up at a Vietnamese grocery store. I stayed in the car and let my dad handle what was apparently a unique experience.

Then it was time to get Whitney and hit the road. Driving over the border is probably the least exciting thing to happen, ever... Crossing the border into Canada is a more adventurous experience. The most exciting part of going into Mexico was Whitney deciding to read all of the signs we passed in very bad Spanish. I'd forgotten what it was like to travel with the girl who took a selfie with Napoleon's tomb...

First matter of order upon arrival, WIFI password (ok, well, unpacking and then WIFI password) and food!

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