Sunday, October 12, 2014

Little Dead Crabs Lying on the Beach

We found the beach! And lots of little dead crabs, but more on that later.

Our hotel isn’t on the beach, but it is pretty close to it, so it was only a short walk between us and the ocean (which we can see/hear from our room). We started off by walking towards the pier – on our side of the pier, the beach is pretty much empty, but on the far side, things are very different. It is all the hustle and bustle you would expect from a beach getaway. Lots of people doing lots of different things. You can also ride horses on the beach, which is something Whitney is drooling over.

To make a long story short, I’ve recently had muscle spasms that make walking very painful and walking on the beach almost impossible, but do you know what makes things easier? Tequila. We stopped for a drink, where my dad and I both said, “tequila in Mexico, sign us up.” Whitney, however, decided to try a daiquiri. She had a very romantic notion of it apparently, but it didn’t live up to her expectations. My dad told us of the time he had his first daiquiri – he was 13 in the Bahamas – and how he immediately hated it and said that he’d prefer ingesting fecal matter to ever having another one. Whitney agreed and didn’t finish the drink.

We started to walk back towards our side of the pier and I started to collect shells. Although there are plenty of shells on the beach, they are outnumbered by dead crabs, so I wrote a song called “Little Dead Crabs Lying on the Beach.” You officially know all of the words now, so congrats! My dad and Whitney didn’t really appreciate my composition, but they clearly don’t know genius when they see it.

I also found fragments of sand dollars but my dad said we had to call them sand pesos because a) we’re in Mexico and b) because none of them are whole, so they are worth less than a dollar. There’s some nerd humor for you!

After washing away all of the sand, we went out for dinner, or as I would like to call it, more tequila!!

La Gran Aventura de Coca-Cola has continued with the discovery of Coca Cola Life. We bought it without a clue of what it actually was since we don’t, ya know, read Spanish, but apparently it is Coca Cola made with natural sweeteners. The taste test is on hold for now though.

*Please note that photos were selected to be uploaded but then life happened and the internet was slow, so no photos for now (or maybe ever, who knows? I don't).

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