Friday, February 19, 2016

You Really Ought to Give Iowa a Try

Sometimes I do real world things instead of purely blog-related things which is why all has been quiet on the (mid)western front recently.

My designer bedroom. No biggie.
I am in Oskaloosa, IA, staying in an apartment that belongs in NYC. This apartment is actually straight out of a magazine! And I mean that literally because it has been featured in a magazine. It's a pretty insane place. The one drawback is that the bedroom walls don't actually go all the way to the ceiling, so privacy isn't really a thing at the moment.

We also have a topnotch kitchen and have been cooking up a storm. The first thing Jas and I did when we arrived on Sunday (apart from picking our jaws up from the floor) was make jalapeno popper mac and cheese, which means that we have had jalapeno popper mac three out of the past four Sundays. That's a thing. It is a very awesome thing. I live a very exciting life.

So much space for activities!
In reality, most of this week hasn't been that exciting. We've spent a lot of time at the gym and catching up on DC's Legends of Tomorrow (since we're now caught up on The Flash). I've also had The Music Man on a repeated loop since this is my first time in Iowa -- apart from a few hours in MCT 78 on my drive to Alabama in June -- and that musical takes place here. I have mixed feelings about that because I don't love that musical but it did lead to the revelation that Jas played Harold Hill when he was in sixth grade and now I'm on a hunt to find a recording of this production. Either way, as they say in the play, you really ought to give Iowa a try.

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