Sunday, February 21, 2016

Walmart Scavenger Hunt

As I keep telling Jas, "life with me is never boring," and I think I proved this again yesterday.

Apparently we were supposed to get an oil change/tire rotation like 5,000 miles ago (oops!), so we went to Walmart to fix that. We were told that the wait at Walmart was going to be two hours. That is a lot of time to spend at Walmart when all all you needed to buy was fabric glue and painter's tape. Luckily for us, I'm brilliant! I suggested we complete something that I had always wanted to do: a Walmart Scavenger Hunt. And we did.

It was supposed to be a competition but we decided to make it a team effort to kill nearly an hour of our wait time! Afterwards, I made Jas take a picture of me in the cart because I am a child.

Speaking of our cart, if you were to look inside it, you would find the following items:

  • 4 different types of M&Ms
  • Item with a discount sticker
  • Strawberry scented candle
  • 5 different types of nuts
  • Item of clothing for a pet
  • Monopoly
  • Nonstick pan
  • White pepper seasoning
  • Plant pot
  • Laptop bag
  • DVD costing less than $5
  • Naan bread
  • Light bulbs
  • Video game boxer shorts
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Basketball
  • 10 different yogurt flavors
  • Sidewalk chalk
  • Cookbook
One item you did not see on that list but was, in fact, in our cart was a disposable camera. Apparently they still make these and I decided that we needed one! Jas begrudgingly agreed to indulge me and we shall now be documenting the remaining weeks of our tour on FujiFilm.

Coo coo coo.
I also ended up wearing a penguin suit from the play (the penguins are five to seven year olds) because life is weird.

Today was show day, where I received a card with a picture of what I believe is me as the genie coming out of the lamp and a Flash t-shirt (once again, life is weird, but weird definitely doesn't equal not good). Tomorrow, we're on the move again as we return to Wisconsin for some cheese (ok, we aren't actually going for the cheese but that is a small detail).

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