Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Thompson Falls

Children all over Montana can rejoice that I've finally visited the town that is "named after me." They're so sincere about it that I don't have the heart to tell them that that isn't actually how you spell my name!

Thompson Falls lived up to my long standing joke of Thompson with a P being a wet Thomson while I'm a dry Thomson. Yes, that is some grade a bathroom humor right there. It was rainy and I got soaked. I mean so far, it's been rainy the entire time I've been here, but I can't make that joke in Trout Creek!

I went to Thompson Falls for the sole purpose of finding a postcard and this post. There wasn't really a lot to do there, especially not in the rain, when all potential hiking was out of the question. I did snap a nice pic that proves Thompson Falls and I do have one thing in common -- even when we're soaked, we're still pretty.

Also, it's that time of year where snapchat wishes people happy holidays with geotags so that you know where someone is wishing you a Merry Christmas from and this is Montana's:

Also, I got a little thank you present from Trout Creek that included a calendar so I guess I'll now know what Trout Creek looks like when it isn't all cloudy and the sun is up for more than a third of the day.

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