Saturday, May 9, 2015

Bear Country and Other Country

So much to say in this post and so little time because it's show day. My last show day performing in The Little Mermaid to be exact.

Yesterday, we got out of rehearsal early (not that it mattered since the sky looks exactly the same here at 6 as it does as 9pm) and decided to go for a hike. There is a ton of hiking here but we haven't had time (or the weather) to go out but yesterday was beautiful and it was time for us to find a trail.

We went to Sulphur Gates which is where the Smokey River and Sulphur River meet. It was a short steep hike but worth it!

One thing we found out there was that we're in Bear Country apparently. No, we didn't see a bear, just signs with bear puns telling us that bears might be in the area (Bear in Mind!). I think we'd actually like to see a bear. From our afar. Very, very far. We've got a week left, Canada, don't let us down!
Mandy and I both agree that Grande Cache has our favorite scenery of the tour, which is saying something, because we've seen quite a lot.

Now, along with a wonderful hike yesterday, I got some very exciting news. Lots of news, actually. First, my best friend is coming to visit me from NJ while I'm home which I did not think would happen and then, I got my itinerary for the summer!

Just from looking at the populations, this is going to be quite different (my smallest residency this summer will be 118 times bigger than my smallest residency from the current tour)! PLUS, we have a residency in Massachusetts at the Hanscom Air Force Base which is in Bedford and just an hour away from home (shows what I know about the Air Force since I didn't have a clue it was there at all).

Talladega, AB - 15,846
Charlottesville, VA - 44,349
Indian Head, MD - 3,918
West Point, NY - 6,763
Hanscom AFB, MA - 2,036 active duty, 3,279 family members, 2,380 civilians
Schenectady, NY - 65,902
Waterville, ME - 15,962

More residencies can be (and probably will be) added but seven residencies is nothing compared to the last five months and I am so pumped to get started!

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