Saturday, January 10, 2015

Training is Over!!

12 days later and I am officially done with training! My truck is packed (pictures to come, but know that it is scarily full) and I don't head to my next destination -- Malta, MT -- until tomorrow.

Our vigorous training schedule has left very little time to explore Missoula, which is lamentable to say the least. But finally, I had time to visit Missoula's Shakespeare and Co. which takes it's name from Paris's Shakespeare and Co. -- a bookstore I visited this past summer to great success! Missoula's Shakespeare and Co. was a bit of a let down, but then again, what isn't after Paris?

Taken on our walk from the theatre to the bookstore. No biggie.

It's really embarrassing to say that even though we've had no free time to explore Missoula while we're here, we don't have any plans for our free day and we're all so exhausted that we might just find ourselves at the local megaplex for a movie... or two. We also have a lot of work to do before we go unfortunately.

Malta is roughly seven hours away and we have been given the task of comparing MapQuest to GPS to an atlas because our bosses don't trust GPSes and are scared that we'll get stuck at the top of a mountain. We'll be leaving nice and early on Sunday which means that I will be driving while Mandy sleeps for the first few hours. So excited to get started.

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