Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Do you know what I love? Airports. Just kidding, anyone who knows me knows that this is a big ole lie but here I am at Logan airport on my way to Missoula (via Denver).

The drive to the airport was eventful; I discovered that the home of my favorite frappes does, in fact, sell veggie burgers. The frappe was just as wonderful as I remembered too. Then the not so wonderful part came when we hit traffic and I just about lost my mind freaking out about whether or not I would make my flight.

I will make it, as I am currently sitting by the Gate, thanks in part to TSA's expedited lane for sad looking girls who got stuck in traffic.

P.S. Dad, TSA let me bring my water bottle through because it was empty. Never doubt a hydration professional such as myself! Thanks for driving me to the airport!

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