Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Whitney is basically moved in. She's a chatterbox so she already knows everyone's business and everyone knows hers. She picked the pink room with yellow curtains and her roommate is named Lauren. Her apartment is five minutes away from campus and although she got an orientation packet, orientation doesn't start until this afternoon so I cannot report on that.

In Thomson news, we'll be leaving for Naples/Capri shortly and this morning, I watched MTV's Awkward in Italian, except they call it Diario di una Nerd Superstar (Diary of a Nerd Superstar) which is a much better title in my opinion and since I hate the show in general, watching it here where I had no idea what was going on was certainly an improvement.

I realized that if I am able to blog in Capri, it will be picture free as my camera is not compatible with Susan's laptop. I might also just blog from my iPod which will most likely increase the number of endearing typos and spelling mistakes that usually fill my posts (I can spell, I promise, I just write this all up really quickly and don't proofread, but I know the mistakes are in there).

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