Saturday, July 5, 2014

What Dreams Are Made Of

If you think I've already made too many Lizzie McGuire references in this blog, you're probably right, but I'm not the least bit sorry for it.

Ya know that thing we've been doing so well, where we get up at dawn to beat the crowds at whatever sight we're going to see? That didn't work out for us today because we overslept. Luckily, however, the Coliseum is a big place so we didn't have a problem getting in.

When I say big, I mean it. (Although, because we nerded out and got the incredibly long and detailed audio guide, we did learn that the Coliseum's name is not a reference to it's colossal size). There was one major flaw in our visit and that was that I forgot to say "Sing to me, Paolo" and do the move until we'd already exited the Flavian Amphitheater, but better late than never, I guess.

After that, we visited the Roman Forum. Nothing funny happened on our way/while we were there unless you count getting hot and sweaty. If this breaks your musical theatre-loving heart, one funny thing to happen today was when we bought our tickets for the Coliseum and my mother told a woman that I was 23... I'm not 23 and I think my mom should know that because I'm under the belief that she was there when I was born. My mom was a bit disappointed by the Forum and I really don't think she appreciated me shouting "Where them Virgins at?" as we looked for the Temple of Vesta and the living quarters of the Vestal Virgins. The whole thing was sort of a bunch of mismatched "buildings" (mostly ruins and the occasional sign that declared where something used to be) and there were a lot of cobblestones to trip over. She did have me take a lot of pictures for her high school Latin teacher though, but I found this particularly strange since she isn't in touch with him and because he's probably dead.

After the Forum and its non-fun, we got lunch and then it was time for one of my favorite tourism activities ever -- the hop on/hop off bus!!! This was Susan's first hop on/hop off experience and I think she did very well (if you think that getting on and off one of these buses isn't hard, then you clearly haven't seen 99% of the people who try to do it).

We took the bus to the Trevi Fountain to make our wishes just like Lizzie McGuire did... except not really because there wasn't any water in the Fountain; there was scaffolding. Apparently the Fountain is under construction (which I'd heard in Venice, but was hoping that would no longer be the case). We could still see a lot of the Fountain though and were super impressed with what we could see. Also, because Rome is smart, they set of a little area of water where you could still throw in a coin and make a wish. I will say that Disney let me down a bit here because my wish for adventure was not immediately granted in the form of an Italian pop star.

We walked a few blocks from the Fountain to the Spanish Steps -- another one of the places visited by Ms. McGuire. I showed some restraint here by not doing a cartwheel as seen in a certain movie that shall remain nameless but has already been referenced like six times in this singular blog post.

After that, we got on our bus and found our way back to our hotel where we now await the arrival of one Ms. Whitney Jaffe who shall be dining with us this evening.

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