Friday, July 4, 2014

When (Back) In Rome

We spent our last few hours in Capri doing some last minute shopping before returning to the water. Instead of going back to Marina Piccola, we went to Punta Carena and the lighthouse. The lighthouse was a lighthouse and while it was important at some point during the history of Capri, we enjoyed it from afar and didn’t get a closer look. My mom said that Punta Carena was a beach; this is not true, it was a stretch of rocky coastline where you could jump straight into the crystal, clear water.  I would say that this would be a better hideout for mermaids/sirens than Marina Piccola, but I am neither Homer nor a Homer scholar so my opinion on the matter is moot. To get down to the water, you had to walk down the rocks and over the hoards of sunbathers, who all resembled lazy seals on the beach, and then you just dive right in (or take the ladder, which is what I did). Once again, it was impossible to tell how deep the water was and since I couldn’t simply walk in and get even the slightest bearings that way, I don’t think I’ll ever actually know.

After my mother was dragged away from her new dream home, we were on the ferry and off the island, headed back to Rome. Ferry to train, train to taxi and taxi to hotel. The most interesting (and by “interesting” I mean equal parts difficult and mortifying) was when we thought we wouldn’t make it on the train if we walked all of the way back to our compartment, so we got on in the 4th cart and walked all of the way back to the 11th.

We’re staying at the same hotel we stayed in the night before we dropped Whitney off – at least, we thought we were. When we got to the hotel, they inexplicably (or maybe it was explicable but we still haven’t mastered the language barrier) had us shuffle down the street to another hotel/apartment building and that is where we are now.

My mom is also making fun of my newfound FIFA addiction and subsequent withdrawal – when we first got back to Rome, we couldn’t find the game (France v. Germany) on our TV and I was distraught. I still think that soccer (or football… is it pretentious if I call it football now?) is a really awful sport, but I need my FIFA!!! I settled by channel surfing until I found Gilmore Girls in Italian, which eased the pain a little but after numerous attempts, we managed to find the right channel (it was #1…) and now I’m happily watching Brazil v. Columbia (Brazil just scored!)

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