Tuesday, July 1, 2014

We have internet in Capri!

This should be obvious because otherwise, I wouldn't be blogging, but it's still quite exciting.

Our journey to the island of Capri was a long one and our trip to our hotel in Anacapri was an even longer one, so buckle up kids, it's story time.

After we moved Whit in, we were on the bus to the train station and then it was the train station to the boat. I'll skip the bus and train portions because everyone has been on a bus and/or a train and can imagine a rather dull ride for themselves. The only difference was that this bus ride took us past the Coloseum.

So the ferry... Ahhh. Yeah, about that. It's roughly 45 minutes from Naples to Capri and for whatever, reason, this ferry was full of people who made me want to jump overboard before we'd even left the port. We sat on the top level so we could enjoy the view and while there was lots to look at, we couldn't actually see anything because our fellow passengers were so determined to take photographs of everything! There was a woman with the iPad who seemed to be on a mission to videotape the whole ride. Why yes, ma'am, that is Mt. Vesuvius but do you really need to relive every second you spent looking at it, from a boat, for the rest of time? There was the other woman who wanted to take pictures of the scenery and then pictures of her family in front of the scenery and then pictures of her self in front of the scenery and didn't seem to mind elbowing me in the head to do it. She almost fell over at one point but don't worry, she used my backpack to save herself, crushing half of my things in the process. Didn't even stop to thank my backpack for performing a civil service either... Tsk tsk. Other than that, Suze just wanted to know why the water didn't look as blue as she thought it would (it looked blue once we got into shallow water and that satisfied her).

Getting off the boat was difficult, partially because we were still on the boat with the same horrible people but also because the people going back to the mainland were determined to get on the boat before we could get off and they outnumbered us about 20 to 1.

We came into Marina Grande and I'll admit that after the boat ride and dealing with the aforementioned people, I was a bit of a grump. The Marina Grande was a bit like Cape Cod on the 4th of July except that there was more gelato and people carrying umbrellas (seriously though, if you don't want a tan, why did you come to the beach?!). We had to call our hotel to pick us up which meant standing in Marina Grande for a lot longer than anyone would like to after they've been traveling for almost four hours, but we were finally able to escape away.

And I mean away. Anacapri is up in the mountains and absolutely unreal. The roads were paper-thin and swerved like something out of a car commercial. After the smog of fellow travelers, this was a real life Febreeze commercial with a gust of fresh air to sweep away our troubles. And now we're sitting in our room, which was upgraded for no apparent reason, with the window open, listening to various friendly birds and staring at copious amounts of green and blue (plants, ocean and sky). Plus, free wifi.

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